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Parent Coaching

Learn how to Inspire, Teach and Guide as a parent 

“The mediocre teacher speaks. The good teacher explains. The excellent teacher shows. The great teacher inspires”

-William Arthur Ward-


“A teacher, who tries to teach without first inspiring the student with a desire to learn, forges cold iron”

-Horace Mann- 

Do you want to create a strong bond and understanding with your kids in this new, culturally diverse environment?

Do you aspire to develop resilient children who comprehend the fundamental realities of the world without being unduly influenced by temporary trends?

How important is it for parents to heal from their own trauma, address problems, shed complexes, and let go of dogmatic perceptions to authentically bond with their children?

Are you ready to redefine your approach to parenting and teaching?


Ashley Montagu, who was a British-American anthropologist and humanist, once said:

"The idea is to die young as late as possible."

In society, we often say that a mature adult is a person who internalizes the norms of society. At the same time, we also believe that a wise person is someone who, while internalizing societal norms, does not lose touch with their inner child such as humour, spontaneity, creativity, authenticity, and boldness.

An adult who did not learn how to be childlike is a dangerous adult. It is our responsibility to learn how to communicate with our children, not the other way around.

My philosophy of practice is that a young child is a human who has not yet been domesticated into the norms of society. In other words, they are still wild free humans(souls) and we as teachers and parents have to maintain these characteristics in the child while getting psychological and philosophical mature. To build authentic and productive relationships with our children, parents should not push them to learn societal norms. Instead, parents must overcome their domestication and reclaim their inner child and their wild instinctual spirit in order to learn how to communicate and pass their messages to their children.

As parents, we need to heal from our trauma, problems, complexes, and ideological and religious dogmatic perceptions to be able to develop authentic bonding with the wild soul of ourselves and then with our children.

 ❗ A child cannot logically appreciate the exercise, but as wild humans will always admire the strength and character of their father.

 ❗ A child cannot logically appreciate country or tradition, but they will always remember the romanticism, lifestyle and love that their parents have developed from the tradition of the country.

 ❗ A child cannot logically respect the norms of society, but they will always respect the freedom of the parents to allow them experiential learn from their own mistakes and how the world works.

 ❗ A child cannot logically respect you for what you say you are (parent or teacher), but they will always respect the way you present yourself, how you lead and treat them, and the vibe and energy that comes out from you.

As parents and teachers, we must first understand the need to continue developing ourselves in all layers, the importance of our image and vibe towards our children and our enviroment, and the need to learn how to communicate and transfer our image to our children according to different youth and child developmental psychological theories and practices.

The practice of parent coaching is based on the concepts of ecopsychological adventure practice and will include theoretical and practical sessions while each parent will have a tailored approach to their own goals and problems. 

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